Nissan Defy Ordinary

Recent Work

1. Nissan Middle East: You Defy Ordinary in your Nissan before you Defy Ordinary in the world.

2. Hilton Hotels: Hotel service is just that - service. Hilton begs to differ.

3. Dodge Hemi V8: When the legendary HEMI V8 engine speaks, everybody listens.

4. ADCB Traveller Credit Card: You don't need a reason to travel.

5. KFC: Why does everyone think of KFC when they see the Football World Cup?

6. Loto Libanais: The richer you are, the funnier the rumours about you.

Nissan Defy Ordinary

Hilton: For The Stay

Dodge #MyHemiStory

I enjoyed creating this one. '70 years of unapologetic HEMI V8 Power/Leadership/Classics/' for the Dodge HEMI V8.

ADCB Radio

KFC World Cup

When Finger Lickin’ passion meets football passion, every match is a win.

Loto Libanaise _Savio Alva-05.jpg